Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How To Cope When Youre Not Promoted To Vice President

Step by step instructions to Cope When Youre Not Promoted To Vice President It doesn't feel generally excellent to discover you didn't get advanced, whatever the rank level. It's normal to ponder, Is this a sign? Am I therapeutic? Do I have the stuff? Is it me or is it them? In the event that this transpires at a beginning time, for example, going from Associate to Vice President, at that point the most significant thing from a lifelong administration viewpoint (beside recovering your harmony) is to discover what the genuine message is and decide whether you are in the correct spot for your splendid profession. It is the point at which you are qualified for some fair input, so treat it as an all around coordinated 'reminder' and take advantage of this chance to make a legitimate appraisal and get precise criticism. Fortunately it is simpler to make mid-course amendments at the prior phases of your profession than leaving it until some other time. The prior on in your vocation that you get this 'reminder,' the more probable that it's a marker that the current circumstance isn't the best fit for you. Advancement obstacles get logically higher as one turns out to be increasingly senior, so not making VP in the normal advancement timescale should provide you more opportunity to stop and think than not making MD the first run through around. In any case, none of this is written in stone, and you need to make sense of what it implies in your particular circumstance Before you make a hasty judgment, here are some activity steps to consider: Survey for yourself: Who else did/didn't get advanced? How would you stack up as an up-and-comer on a relative premise? Note that regardless of whether you can comprehend why you didn't make the rundown, it is as yet critical to communicate your mistake, and to tell them that you are hoping to try harder however need them to direct you concerning how you have to improve. Are there effective senior individuals who didn't make VP immediately? Is it true that you are in the opportune spot (i.e., industry, specialty unit, work, organization)? It is safe to say that you are in a spot where your best capacities can be put to utilize and esteemed? Is it accurate to say that you are in a job where you can sparkle? Is this what you love to do? Converse with your chief: What is the explanation behind the choice? I'm not catching it's meaning for your profession: Are you seen as future advancement material? Is it an issue of when, not if? Is it true that you are in a job from which you can be advanced? What do you have to do to situate yourself for one year from now: Are there explicit abilities you have to create or encounters you have to pick up? Are there specific gatherings or individuals who need to get comfortable with your capacities and made into supporters? Shortcomings to address? Get the exhortation of your coaches on the abovementioned. Position yourself for one year from now if the end is this is the correct spot for you. Remain constructive: this is about your activity, not your life or your incentive as an individual. The key is to discover where you can sparkle. On the off chance that you are in it as of now and essentially need to continue onward, at that point take the plunge. In any case, remember that it is in every case great to make various alternatives by keeping up your outside system, even as you build up your interior help base. On the off chance that you presume that your present job is anything but a decent long haul fit for you, at that point the time has come to start the way toward discovering one for which you are more qualified. Be tolerant as you investigate roads and oppose the impulse to make abrupt moves. Meanwhile, keep on doing your best where you are and don't sever any ties, regardless of how fulfilling it might feel in the close term. The world is profoundly associated nowadays and it is to your greatest advantage to make the notoriety that goes before you a positive one.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Risk Factors Considerations for Mobile Recruiting HR Technology - Workology

Risk Factors Considerations for Mobile Recruiting HR Technology - Workology IDENTIFYING RISK FACTORS AND SOCIAL MEDIA DISCRIMINATION This is Part 4 of a series on Workplace Trends in Mobile and Technology for the Human Resources Industry.  Check out  Part 1 here.    Download the full essay on how mobile technology are changing HR as featured in J. Wiley Son’s Summer 2012 issue of  Employment Relations Today  Journal by  downloading here.   I’ll be publishing the materials as part of an ongoing series on mobile recruiting and HR technology. IDENTIFYING RISK FACTORS AND SOCIAL MEDIA DISCRIMINATION Any new technology tool creates some risk for companies, managers, and employees, but the risks can be minimized. For example, under the CAN-Spam Act (mentioned earlier in this article), e-mail as well as mobile text messages must have “express prior authorization” from the message recipient either by electronic authorization such as a text message or click confirmation or written acceptance. Recipients who have previously authorized companies and entities to send messages may opt out and remove themselves from distribution at any time. In a workplace and HR context, this means that companies sending current and former employees e-mailed newsletters, job announcements, or even employee notices to personal employee e-mail accounts must have express prior authorization. The same holds true for text messaging. Reputable text-message providers should offer at minimum an opt-in option when individuals text a message to a five-digit short-code number. Subscribers typically can remove themselves from receiving messages at any time by commonly texting “STOP” to the five-digit short-code number. Companies are liable for the providers if they do not adhere to the standards set by the Federal Trade Commission, which is why many companies who use text messaging use a double opt-in to ensure that they are in compliance and avoid fines and penalties, which can be up to $11,000 per occurrence. Other risks involve failure to comply with recent National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rules regarding protected concerted activity by employees on social media. A case involving an employees firing in 2009 allegedly because of posts made about her supervisor on Facebook threw the whole issue of using social media in the workplace into the spotlight.  According to the NLRB’s guidance, companies should not terminate or take adverse action against employees who are discussing protected topics such as workplace safety and compensation, among others, whether it is happening in person onsite, offsite, or online. Another risk is the potential for discrimination in using social media for employment processes. HR managers who use  information obtained via protected social-media profiles   to make a hiring, promotion, or other employment decisions must ensure that the  information obtained about  job candidates or employees   is used in compliance with the antidiscrimination provisions of wide range of laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS FOR MOBILE RECRUITING HR TECHNOLOGY Because communication technologies are changing and evolving at such a rapid pace, corporate executives, employment law attorneys, and  HR professionals  will question the security as well as risk of adopting programs and technologies like those described above for internal and external organization communications. It is true that the legal waters are murky regarding privacy, security, and discrimination issues connected with the use of social media and other technologies as part of our organization’s recruiting efforts. However, these technologies are not going away, and legal precedents will likely take 10-15 years before all the workplace and privacy intricacies come to light. In the interim, if organizations ignore the newest technological tools, they will lose out on a major competitive advantage. Technologies and platforms are being built and designed to make all corporate functions more efficient and easier to handle. The key when evaluating the emerging technologies, social media, and mobile tools to engage your employees and job seekers is to select the tools and technologies that will provide the greatest value to the largest cross section of your target population or candidate base. It is important to understand that employers are now entering the millennial age; members of this newest-generation job seeker and employee constitute the largest segment in the workforce. It is more important than ever for employers to research, plan, and engage in new ways that reach the most skilled members of this generation because they will be the ones who steer the future of the most competitive organizations we know today. This is Part 4 of a series on Workplace Trends in Mobile and Technology for the Human Resources Industry.  Check out  Part 1 here.    Download the full essay on how mobile technology are changing HR as featured in J. Wiley Son’s Summer 2012 issue of  Employment Relations Today  Journal by  downloading here.   I’ll be publishing the materials as part of an ongoing series on mobile recruiting and HR technology.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

How to Write an Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter -

The most effective method to Write an Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter Source : Unsplash.comIn my second year of school, I spent the late spring working at Walt Disney World, Florida. It was a three months in length temporary position that remembered a short course for business relational abilities. In this workshop, we figured out how to compose introductory letters, get ready continues and make business cards to use for systems administration, among other things.The following year, I began going after positions and composed various introductory letters that were effective in getting numerous meetings with an assortment of companies.Later in my vocation, I have been trained introductory letter composing by others. Thinking back, I understand that introductory letter composing at first represented a few difficulties that I could defeat because of my learning.evalBefore I share my learning, let me diagram the difficulties that I confronted at whatever point I needed to compose an intelligent spread letter.First, I didn't have a clue how to arrange the le tter.Second, I didn't have the foggiest idea how to sort out the letter into paragraphs.Third, I didn't have the foggiest idea how to tweak the letter for a particular activity posting.Fourth, I didn't have the foggiest idea how to stand apart from other applicants.Fortunately, I currently realize various methods to beat these challenges.Job PostingevalTo examine these procedures, how about we utilize the accompanying speculative activity posting:Customer Service Representative needed for an enormous online business organization serving North America and parts of Europe. Requires work in a day in and day out call community in 6 to 8-hour long moves. Base pay in addition to commission for effective deals via phone. Requires working night, end of the week and overnight moves according to plan. Past client care experience alluring however not required. Ought to be conversant in English. If it's not too much trouble send introductory letter and resume to [emailprotected]evalFormattingMy first test, as I referenced, was the manner by which to design the letter. A straightforward principle of arranging, which I follow, is to keep my location on the upper left and the employing administrator's location underneath that yet adjusted left.Three ParagraphsMy second test was the manner by which to compose the letter into paragraphs.I will talk about the three primary sections of the letter and afterward give you a few hints about how to design the letter.evalThe first passage must contain three components: an away from of the position that you are applying for, layout of aptitudes that are pertinent to this position and a solid proclamation that you are appropriate to this position.The second section should include more insights regarding these abilities. You can tail one of two procedures to include these details.Strategy 1Add an expressive sentence for every expertise referenced in the first paragraph.evalStrategy 2Refer to the abilities required part of the expected se t of responsibilities and show how your aptitudes coordinate these prerequisites. You can make a little box, for instance, where the prerequisites are recorded on the left section and your coordinating aptitudes are recorded on the privilege column.The second technique is more straightforward, while the primary system in a roundabout way clarifies why you are a decent fit.The third passage is the end passage. It is critical to make reference to here that your resume is connected, to give more insights concerning your abilities and experience.This is likewise a decent chance to include a couple of delicate aptitudes that are pertinent to the activity posting. Regardless of whether you are a specialized proficient, for example, an information expert, don't disregard to feature your delicate skills.Close the third passage in a positive note. Give your telephone number and disclose to them that you plan to hear back soon.Customizing the LetterMy third test was the manner by which to alt er the letter for a particular activity posting.evalSome customization procedures have just been partaken in the past area. For example, the procedure to exhibit how explicit aptitudes coordinate the activity prerequisites. There's much more you can do, however.A not many more customization methods are as follows.1. Tone of the letterWhile you may accept that all introductory letters ought to have a formal and genuine tone, this isn't really obvious. At times, an increasingly conversational tone might be liked if the organization has a casual work culture.If you happen to apply for a publicizing, showcasing or deals work, an interesting introductory letter may assist you with standing apart among the horde of candidates. So before composing your introductory letter, judge the organization culture from the activity posting and by doing some exploration on the company.Set the tone of the letter accordingly.eval2. Generally edge of the letterMost of us do an assortment of things for a mind-blowing duration and you are most likely not a special case. You realize your experience well, however outcasts can't comprehend you similarly. You'd be amazed that considerably after you drop off a resume at somebody's office, they may battle to decide whether you are proper for a position.So, you have to step up and outline your introductory letter in a manner with the end goal that the peruser can rapidly get a handle on your aptitudes. This may sound simple yet it isn't, since you just make them open section to acquaint yourself with the reader.3. Length of the letterAlthough I have examined a three-section introductory letter over, the length of an introductory letter can change. For a section level advertising position, for instance, two short passages are frequently all that is required. On the off chance that you are applying to educate at a neighborhood school, be that as it may, you may need to compose five paragraphs.This is on the grounds that a school might want ad ditional insights concerning your instructing and distributing experience. Thus, I would prescribe that you adhere to a three-section introductory letter for most positions, yet shift the length in the event that it is fitting for a position.4. Utilization of shading and fontA dark, 12-point, formal looking text style, (for example, Times New Roman) is fitting for most positions. At times, in any case, varieties may win the day for you. Many employing administrators in the promoting, showcasing or deals industry like to see increasingly present day looking spread letters.For model, you can utilize a stylish textual style like Book Antiqua or Trebuchet. You can, comparably, utilize an alternate shading for the header area while keeping up a dark textual style for the remainder of the letter.Standing Out from the CrowdMy fourth test was the way to stand apart among a pool of candidates. This was the most troublesome test, since it is difficult to get a distinct arrangement. It is anyt hing but difficult to stick out, obviously, in the event that you have abilities that are acceptable to such an extent that you naturally become a choice candidate.What do you do, on the off chance that you don't have those remarkable skills?A hardly any procedures are as follows.a) Use a snappy opening lineIf the initial line of the letter is striking, the peruser will maybe give somewhat more consideration to your application. On the off chance that you are a solid up-and-comer as far as abilities, this may prompt a meeting opportunity and even an occupation offer.Be cautious before composing a silly opening line, in any case, except if the activity posting likewise has a conversational and entertaining tone.b) Be persuading From the principal line of the letter, your objective ought to be to persuade the peruser that you are in reality the ideal individual for the job.If you compose the letter with a persuading tone, you are bound to make the peruser regard and trust you.c) Highl ight an unordinary skillTry to think of an aptitude that you have, which is bizarre yet pertinent to the position. In one sentence, feature this aptitude alongside a case of how you have applied it.For model, you may have an energy for plan and you may have made your secondary school logo. For a bookkeeping position, you could include this ability and clarify how this encourages you configuration and shading code your spreadsheets.d) Use quality stationeryIf you are presenting a paper duplicate or printed application, ensure you pick excellent paper. This will build the potentials for success of having out, on the grounds that numerous candidates utilize plain white paper.ConclusionThe introductory letter is a chance to acquaint yourself with the employing chief. The resume has a progressively unbending arrangement, so you don't have as much space for articulation. It is, along these lines, essential to utilize this letter and present an influential defense for why somebody should r ecruit you.Finally, make a point not to rehash a similar data on the introductory letter and resume. While the resume presents realities about yourself as an applicant, the introductory letter ought to in a perfect world take this data to the following level through elaboration and extra bits of knowledge.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Your Career Needs Social Media - Get Started

Your Career Needs Social Media - Get Started A job search, successful career path, credible reputation; all require a social media presence or you will disappear as a viable candidate. According to statistics, many reading this will already have established their social media profiles but for those still needing the support to get started follow these basic steps because your career needs social media. A professional email address is the key requirement to establishing social media profiles. If you have an old hotmail address or your email does not contain your formal name, create a new one. is a good choice. The number 1 professional networking site is Linkedin! There are over 100 million users and it is a major resource for recruiters and HR professionals seeking potential candidates and verifying credentials. It is the premium start to influence a successful career. If you do not have a web site, this will provide you with an excellent address to add to your Twitter and Facebook accounts. You will be prompted with the necessary tips for 100% completion of your profile. Join Linkedin today! Twitter is the number 2 social media site nearing 300 million users. It is quick and relatively easy to create the profile and requires a minimal amount of information. As with all social media sites, the basis for success is the time and effort required to network and establish valuable connections. This is an exceptional resource to interact with real time events and news, search for jobs and follow targeted companies. Follow your interests. The social media giant with over 700 million users is Facebook! No matter what youve heard, you cant argue with the numbers. A personal profile can be easily established and with it you have complete control over who you decide to invite or accept as a friend and various options to customize privacy settings. Once you have signed up for a personal profile you will have the ability to create your professional Page which can then be maintained completely separately from your personal profile and enhance your career. Sign up! Just 4 more tips to help you get started: As with your email address, a professional and consistent rendition of your name should be used on all social media sites. Linkedin allows you to customize your address (URL) and is a good indication of what may be available on other sites. Invest in a professional photo. You will not generate a professional and credible online presence using the default image. A google profile is also free and allows you to create a highly visible online presence providing the opportunity to add all of your personalized links to the social media profiles that you have created. Use the help resource. All of the social media sites offer a help resource and if you are unable to find the answer to your question there simply google your question. Martin Buckland, Principal of Elite Resumes has been providing executive career management services since 1993. As a member of the Career Collective it is our pleasure to provide you with the following professional advice from other members of the Career Collective, Collaboratively Helping Job Seekers: Make Your Career More Social: Show Up and Engage, @WalterAkana You 2.0: The Brave New World of Social Media and Online Job Searches , @dawnrasmussen How to Get a New Job Using Social Media,@DebraWheatman Social Media: Choosing, Using, and Confusing, @ErinKennedyCPRW How to Use Social Media in Your Job Search, @heatherhuhman Updating: A Social Media Strategy For Job Search, @TimsStrategy Your Career Needs Social Media Get Started, @EliteResumes @MartinBuckland We Get By With a Little Recs from Our Friends, @chandlee Expat Careers Social Media: Social Media is Potentially 6 Times more Influential than a CV or Resume, @expatcoachmegan Social-Media Tools and Resources to Maximize Your Personalized Job Search, @KatCareerGal Job Search and Social Media: A Collective Approach, @careersherpa How Having Your Own Website Helps You, @keppie_careers Social Media: So whats the point?, @DawnBugni Tools that change your world, @WorkWithIllness HOW TO: Meet People IRL via LinkedIn, @AvidCareerist Jumping Into the Social Media Sea @ValueIntoWords Effective Web 2.0 Job Search: Top 5 Secrets, @resumeservice Your Career Needs Social Media - Get Started A job search, successful career path, credible reputation; all require a social media presence or you will disappear as a viable candidate. According to statistics, many reading this will already have established their social media profiles but for those still needing the support to get started follow these basic steps because your career needs social media. A professional email address is the key requirement to establishing social media profiles. If you have an old hotmail address or your email does not contain your formal name, create a new one. is a good choice. The number 1 professional networking site is Linkedin! There are over 100 million users and it is a major resource for recruiters and HR professionals seeking potential candidates and verifying credentials. It is the premium start to influence a successful career. If you do not have a web site, this will provide you with an excellent address to add to your Twitter and Facebook accounts. You will be prompted with the necessary tips for 100% completion of your profile. Join Linkedin today! Twitter is the number 2 social media site nearing 300 million users. It is quick and relatively easy to create the profile and requires a minimal amount of information. As with all social media sites, the basis for success is the time and effort required to network and establish valuable connections. This is an exceptional resource to interact with real time events and news, search for jobs and follow targeted companies. Follow your interests. The social media giant with over 700 million users is Facebook! No matter what youve heard, you cant argue with the numbers. A personal profile can be easily established and with it you have complete control over who you decide to invite or accept as a friend and various options to customize privacy settings. Once you have signed up for a personal profile you will have the ability to create your professional Page which can then be maintained completely separately from your personal profile and enhance your career. Sign up! Just 4 more tips to help you get started: As with your email address, a professional and consistent rendition of your name should be used on all social media sites. Linkedin allows you to customize your address (URL) and is a good indication of what may be available on other sites. Invest in a professional photo. You will not generate a professional and credible online presence using the default image. A google profile is also free and allows you to create a highly visible online presence providing the opportunity to add all of your personalized links to the social media profiles that you have created. Use the help resource. All of the social media sites offer a help resource and if you are unable to find the answer to your question there simply google your question. Martin Buckland, Principal of Elite Resumes has been providing executive career management services since 1993. As a member of the Career Collective it is our pleasure to provide you with the following professional advice from other members of the Career Collective, Collaboratively Helping Job Seekers: Make Your Career More Social: Show Up and Engage, @WalterAkana You 2.0: The Brave New World of Social Media and Online Job Searches , @dawnrasmussen How to Get a New Job Using Social Media,@DebraWheatman Social Media: Choosing, Using, and Confusing, @ErinKennedyCPRW How to Use Social Media in Your Job Search, @heatherhuhman Updating: A Social Media Strategy For Job Search, @TimsStrategy Your Career Needs Social Media Get Started, @EliteResumes @MartinBuckland We Get By With a Little Recs from Our Friends, @chandlee Expat Careers Social Media: Social Media is Potentially 6 Times more Influential than a CV or Resume, @expatcoachmegan Social-Media Tools and Resources to Maximize Your Personalized Job Search, @KatCareerGal Job Search and Social Media: A Collective Approach, @careersherpa How Having Your Own Website Helps You, @keppie_careers Social Media: So whats the point?, @DawnBugni Tools that change your world, @WorkWithIllness HOW TO: Meet People IRL via LinkedIn, @AvidCareerist Jumping Into the Social Media Sea @ValueIntoWords Effective Web 2.0 Job Search: Top 5 Secrets, @resumeservice

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

7 Best WordPress Custom Fonts Plugins - WP Carers

7 Best WordPress Custom Fonts Plugins - WP Carers 7 Best WordPress Custom Fonts Plugins Theres a wealth of great typography available online these days, and naturally WordPress users would want to put this to use on their websites. Luckily, no longer are you required to use code to make this happen as theres plenty of great plugins to allow WordPress custom fonts. In order to make your job as a busy site manager easier, heres a list of the 7 Best WordPress Custom Fonts Plugins.Image: WordPress.org1. WP Google Fonts WordPress Custom FontsWP Google Fonts is an easy to use plugin that gives you the ability to easily add fonts from the Google Font Directory to your WordPress theme. The plugin adds necessary Google code for you and lets you assign Google fonts to specific CSS elements of your website from your WordPress Admin area. However, there are two possible downfalls to this plugin as it doesnt allow you preview fonts or upload custom fonts.Image: WordPress.org2. Use Any Font WordPress Fonts PluginThis plugin does exactly what it says on the tin: allows you to embed any font in your WordPress website. With Use Any Font you are not restricted to Google fonts, as the plugin has the ability to upload multiple custom fonts and assign these fonts to headers, paragraphs and block-quotes. The plugin doesnt have the best user interface as instructions are at the bottom of the settings page when one would expect them to appear at the top. Additional features include support for all major browsers, font conversion, easy setup and a support forum for assistance.Image: WordPress.org3. Font WordPress Custom Font PluginFont is included on this list because of how fun it is to use, the plugin is reminiscent of MySpace with 90s-era graphics and plenty of drop shadow effects! Although the front-end editing experience isnt the smoothest with this plugin, it does give you full control over every aspect of your fonts. There are 2 modes when using this plugin, the first allows you to click on any element to change its font and the second requires you to select a p ortion of text.Image: WordPress.org4. Typekit Fonts for WordPress WordPress Font PluginThis plugin utilises the Typekit fonts service, which is a rival of Google Fonts. Before you use this plugin, you must sign up for an Adobe or Typekit account. Typekit Fonts for WordPress allows you to add custom CSS rules but unfortunately you cant add or manage custom fonts. The plugin is available in English and Japanese and it is compatible with WP Multisite.Image: WordPress.org5. Easy Google Fonts Custom Font WordPress PluginEasy Google Fonts not only adds Google fonts to any theme without coding, but it also integrates with the WordPress Customizer for a realtime live preview. The plugin includes powerful customization but the settings page may be confusing for some users. Additional features include translations, automatic background updates and the option to create custom font controls.Image: WordPress.org6. Google Typography WordPress Custom Font PluginThis simple plugin allows you to use and customise any Google font with your existing WordPress site. It creates a new option in your Appearance tab for Typography. Google Typography couldnt be easier to use and it requires no coding. The plugin allows you to add as many fonts as youd like, then apply them to any existing HTML tag or CSS selection.Image: WordPress.org7. Google Web Fonts Customizer WordPress Fonts PluginGoogle Web Fonts Customizer is a unique plugin that integrates WordPress Customizer with Google Web Fonts so that you can add Google fonts to any theme. The plugin is easy to use as you dont need to edit your themess stylesheet, the plugin automatically changes fonts uder your themes typography settings. This plugin also lets you preview a font before it goes live on your site and you can customise font weight, font style and font colour. 7 Best WordPress Custom Fonts Plugins - WP Carers 7 Best WordPress Custom Fonts Plugins Theres a wealth of great typography available online these days, and naturally WordPress users would want to put this to use on their websites. Luckily, no longer are you required to use code to make this happen as theres plenty of great plugins to allow WordPress custom fonts. In order to make your job as a busy site manager easier, heres a list of the 7 Best WordPress Custom Fonts Plugins.Image: WordPress.org1. WP Google Fonts WordPress Custom FontsWP Google Fonts is an easy to use plugin that gives you the ability to easily add fonts from the Google Font Directory to your WordPress theme. The plugin adds necessary Google code for you and lets you assign Google fonts to specific CSS elements of your website from your WordPress Admin area. However, there are two possible downfalls to this plugin as it doesnt allow you preview fonts or upload custom fonts.Image: WordPress.org2. Use Any Font WordPress Fonts PluginThis plugin does exactly what it says on the tin: allows you to embed any font in your WordPress website. With Use Any Font you are not restricted to Google fonts, as the plugin has the ability to upload multiple custom fonts and assign these fonts to headers, paragraphs and block-quotes. The plugin doesnt have the best user interface as instructions are at the bottom of the settings page when one would expect them to appear at the top. Additional features include support for all major browsers, font conversion, easy setup and a support forum for assistance.Image: WordPress.org3. Font WordPress Custom Font PluginFont is included on this list because of how fun it is to use, the plugin is reminiscent of MySpace with 90s-era graphics and plenty of drop shadow effects! Although the front-end editing experience isnt the smoothest with this plugin, it does give you full control over every aspect of your fonts. There are 2 modes when using this plugin, the first allows you to click on any element to change its font and the second requires you to select a p ortion of text.Image: WordPress.org4. Typekit Fonts for WordPress WordPress Font PluginThis plugin utilises the Typekit fonts service, which is a rival of Google Fonts. Before you use this plugin, you must sign up for an Adobe or Typekit account. Typekit Fonts for WordPress allows you to add custom CSS rules but unfortunately you cant add or manage custom fonts. The plugin is available in English and Japanese and it is compatible with WP Multisite.Image: WordPress.org5. Easy Google Fonts Custom Font WordPress PluginEasy Google Fonts not only adds Google fonts to any theme without coding, but it also integrates with the WordPress Customizer for a realtime live preview. The plugin includes powerful customization but the settings page may be confusing for some users. Additional features include translations, automatic background updates and the option to create custom font controls.Image: WordPress.org6. Google Typography WordPress Custom Font PluginThis simple plugin allows you to use and customise any Google font with your existing WordPress site. It creates a new option in your Appearance tab for Typography. Google Typography couldnt be easier to use and it requires no coding. The plugin allows you to add as many fonts as youd like, then apply them to any existing HTML tag or CSS selection.Image: WordPress.org7. Google Web Fonts Customizer WordPress Fonts PluginGoogle Web Fonts Customizer is a unique plugin that integrates WordPress Customizer with Google Web Fonts so that you can add Google fonts to any theme. The plugin is easy to use as you dont need to edit your themess stylesheet, the plugin automatically changes fonts uder your themes typography settings. This plugin also lets you preview a font before it goes live on your site and you can customise font weight, font style and font colour.